applesFUSION (tm)
Helping education companies teach better and sell more.










Project Success Stories

Channel engagement plan
involves VARs in training selling effort.

The result was a channels solution that evoked real enthusiasm from channel reps, and a substantial increase in VAR and distributor education business.

Traditionally, services revenues are under-represented through channels partners, but this education services business unit wasn’t willing to settle for mediocrity.  So they engaged FUSION to see if more could be done to engage better with their VARs and distributors.

We began by debriefing our client’s sales and delivery personnel to get their fix on the problem. Then we organized a series of focus groups with channels executives and sales staff members to surface what they thought were the issues and opportunities.  Channels executives were highly supportive about the value of education in their solution portfolio, and bullish about the opportunities to grow education volume. However, channels salespeople, after saying all of the “right things” confessed to some grave reservations about the value of education and volunteered a laundry list of obstacles they claimed were preventing them from bothering to quote education in their proposals.

We took their issues to heart in constructing five prototype channels engagement solutions, then gave the channels reps the opportunity to “vote” on the solution that best met their needs.  Once they had identified a winner, we encouraged them to troubleshoot any features they felt needed improvement. 

The result was a channels solution that evoked real enthusiasm from channel reps, and a substantial increase in VAR and distributor education business.

See More Project Success Stories


FUSION dot 31 Atkinson Lane dotSudbury, MA 01776
PH: (978) 460-1539