E-learning, online learning, distance learning, classroom learning, CBT,
ILT:  however you serve it up we'll help you succeed.
Helping education companies teach better and sell more.

Training Companies: Strategic Planning

At FUSION we take a strategic approach to helping education and training companies with even the most tactical assignment - to be sure the work we do will benefit you over the long haul.

However, why not offer us the opportunity to contribute before rather than after you have made important strategic decisions. We are at our best in helping training companies with issues like:

  • new venture assessment and planning
  • strategic alliances and licensing
  • cost and productivity benchmarking
  • organization structure and staffing

Case In Point

For training companies that want to be "Best-In-Class" — not just come close.

Prior to undertaking a major restructuring, this technology education CEO wanted to benchmark current spending levels and performance metrics against best-in-class industry standards.

The CEO had already targeted several areas for remedial attention.

FUSION prepared a benchmark study covering each cost center (course development, student materials, instructor compensation, facilities and equipment, sales compensation, promotion and marketing, customer service, etc.). We also examined key productivity measures (course weeks per instructor, classroom utilization, registrations per registrar, accounts served per salesperson, circulation costs per course catalog, orders per unit of promotion, etc.).

Where there were spending issues and productivity shortfalls, FUSION recommended action plans to bring performance up to par, attributing specific cost savings and revenue gains to each recommendation.

Altogether, our efforts identified an opportunity to grow revenue 30% without adding to fixed costs or staffing levels -- with a potential pickup of 15 margin points.

Interestingly, two of the areas suspected as requiring remedial attention were found to be already performing at a best-of-breed level!


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